Industry (public)

1. GPT3 blog generation tool for Satya’s demo at Microsoft Ignite

keywords : Large Language models, GPT3, NLP, Deep Learning

Built POC for real-time transcription, correction, summarization and creative blog writing for WNBA games in low domain specific data settings.

2. Interpret Text - Open-source tool for State-of-the-Art text-based Model Explanations

keywords : Explainability, NLP, Deep Learning

Implemented & architected one of the first general purpose toolkits for architecture agnostic interpretation of contemporary & classical NLP models.

3. Adding support for XLNET in MSFT’s core NLP repository

keywords : Deep Learning, NLP, Tranformers

4. Implementing Deeplab v3+ in Production for Matlab.

link ; Feature page
keywords : Computer Vision, Deep Learning


1. Stagewise non-uniform regularization for Cascade classifiers

keywords : ML for Healthcare, ML on edge/IOT devices

We propose a new approach to building cascaded classifiers in computation sensitive, low power environments. We extend the firm cascade architecture by introducing non-uniform stage-wise regression terms into the loss function. We introduce a modification over the L1 regularizer, tuned to encourage sparse connections. We evaluate the effects of such a regularizer on use cases with imbalanced classes such as human activity recognition and smoking detection.

cascade cls demo

keywords : Computer Vision, Deep Learning

We convert rough hand drawn images of full simulink diagrams and convert them to full working Simulink models in machine. I worked on the exraction, detection and classification part of the pipeline.
We made a custom dataset, finetuned an imagenet pretrained GoogLeNet based model and used classical vision, topological, density and connectivity properties to extract the graphical structure and flow from the image.

img2struct demo

3. Convert Audio files to Video of person speaking

keywords : Deeplearning, Vision, Multi-modal ML

We use an LSTM to take an audio file as input and generate a video of a person speaking in sync with the audio file. The goal is to preserve facial landmarks. The base face model is input as the initial state of the LSTM and the audio signal for a particular time interval is fed at each timestep.

text2video demo

4. Exploring Sophisticated Loss Functions for Early Prediction in CNNS:

keywords : Deeplearning, Vision, Compute-aware ML

We investigate the effects of using sophisticated cascade loss functions on early predictions in image classification tasks. We apply methods native to cascade classifiers, to guide the learning of Convolutional Neural Networks. We approach the problem by trying to identify the depth and if to place an intermediate classifier in a CNN pipeline, so as to achieve a better accuracy-cost trade-off. We use a modified AlexNet as the base model. We also extend the soft cascade and firm cascade loss functions to the multi-label case using each for training the model.

5. Predicting Neighborhoods most affected by Crime using Infrastructure and Economic Indicators:

keywords : Computational Social Science, Dataset creation

We propose a novel approach to predict crime for neighborhoods in a city from multiple sources, in particular nearby landmarks, census and demographic data. Many prior studies have tried to predict crime based on demographic and socio-economic data, but there has been no prior work on prediction of crime based on landmarks data. We were able to successfully show that local infrastructure data plays a more important role in predicting crime incidents. We also showed the importance of different features on crime rate. We were able to confirm the results of prior studies related to correlation between crime, and schools and banks.

6. Design and Fabrication of SLAM based, autonomous material handling robot

keywords : Vision, Robotics

robot simulation